No, not the flooring, or the baseboards, or the many small renovations going on around the house still. (Mind you we have ordered the carpeting.) What's finished was an idea I got a long time ago for a piece of artwork. I almost thought it would never come to fruition. I found a small piece of artwork some time ago at Deseret Book. It was some nature pictures with a small golden plaque that had my favorite scripture on it. I really liked it, but I wished the scripture were readable and that the artwork were larger. Aside from all that though, it was just too expensive for something that I only kind of liked. (Somewhere between $120-$150.) Then one day I was at Target, and I found (I think) the exact same nature shots but much larger. It was $60! Now only the scripture was missing. I searched online for some time to get a matching frame, but to no avail. Eventually I caved and bought a second piece of the same artwork. With a little work (pulling out the pictures, getting glass from Lowes, gluing it in, taping the back, and designing, ordering, and applying the lettering) I finally have exactly what I wanted. It was about the same price as the original in the end, but the results are worth it!
